Search My Site for:
1. Black Annis
2: Yellow Hag
3: Blue Hag
4: Old Woman
5: White Inspiration
6: Great Queen
7: Sea House
8: Mother Earth
9: Divine Horse
10: Sovereignty
11: Fays
12: Margots
Faery Women
1: Swan Maidens
2: White Ladies
3: Blue Ladies
4: Grey Ladies
5: Black Ladies
6: Red Ladies
7: Meadow Ladies
8: Green Ladies
2: Air Demons
3: Crawling Horrors, Oakmen
4: Night Dancers
5: Black Dwarves
6: Spriggans
2: The Dark Ones
3: Lobs
4: The Red Men
5: Stray Sod
6: Pixies
7: Jack oLanterns
8: The Nimble Mower
9: The Merry Dancers
Death Omens
1: Grim Reaper
2: Banshee
3: Bent One
4: Hounds of Hell
5: Faery Dogs
6: Fool of the Forth
2: Water Horse, Gray Man
3: Man of Hunger
4: John of the Dunes
Sea Monsters
2: Nucklavee
3: Loch Ness Monster
1. Children of the Snake
2: People of the Goddess Danu
3: Ferrishyn
4: Fountain Women
5: People of the Horses
6: Fair Family
7: Oak Goddesses
8: Leprechauns
9: Cluricauns
10: Mermaids
11: Beautiful
12: Children of the Abyss
13: Fair Haired
14: Blue Men of the Minch
15: Seal People
Second Sight
1: Faery Rings
2: Poisonous Roots
3: Plants
4: Manx Charm
The Great Triscele: Sky Worlds
1. Magh Mhor: The Great Plain
2: Magh Findargat: Plain of White Silver
3: Magh Imchuinn: Plain of Gentleness
4: Magh Argetnel: Plain of Silver Clouds
5: Magh Muir: Plain of the Sea
6: Magh Mell: Plain of Honey / Yns Avalon
7: Magh Airthech: Plain of Bounty / Cockaigne
8: Magh Ildathach: Plain of Many Colors
9: Magh dá Cheo: Plain of the Two Mists
10: Maghionganaidh: Plain of Wonders
11: Sen Magh: Old Plain
The Great Triscele: Middle Worlds
Mide: Center
Oithear: East
Deisi: South
Siar: West
Thuaidh: North
The Great Triscele: Sea Lands
1. Tír Andomain: The Sea Abyss
2: Tír Ildathach: Many-Coloured Land
3: Tír nam Ban: Land of Women
4: Tír na Marbh: Land of the Dead
5: Tír fo Thuinn: Land Under the Waves
6: Tech Duinn: Donns House
7: Tír Tairnigri: Land of Promise
8: Tír nat Samhraidh: Land of Summer
9: Tír nam Beo: Land of Perpetual Life
10: Tír na nÓg: Land of Youth
11: Tír Uaine: Green Land
Thirteen Treasures
Celtic Goddesses
A-B: Ataegina - Báetán
B-C: Báetán - Cadwyn
C-D: Cadwyn - Damona
D-E: Damona - Etain
E-G: Etain - Fachea
F-G: Fachea - Geòdh
G-H: Geòdh - Habetrot
H-I: Habetrot - Kymidei
K-L: Kymidei - Lalóg
L-M: Lalóg- Maer
M-N: Maer - Natsouelta
N-O: Natsouelta - Obliot
O-P: Obliot - Plu na m Ban
P-R: Plu na m Ban- Ragnell
R-S: Ragnell- Sabrina
S-T: Sabrina - Tabiti
T-U: Tabiti - Uroica
Celtic Gods
A-B: Alisanos-Affagddu-Baile
B-C: Belí-Camulos
C-C: Camulos-Colm
C-D: Colm-Da Derga
D-E: Da Derga-Elphin
E-F: Elphin-Fainnle
F-G: Fainnle-Gaheris
G-I: Gaheris-Iân
I-L: Iân-Ladra
L-M: Ladra- Macnamara
M-N: Mahon Macnamara-Nechtan
N-O: Nechtan- Ogma
O-P: Ogma-Peredur
P-R: Peredur- Roigne
R-S: Roigne-Saran
S-T: Saran-Tadhg
T-U: Tadhg-Uaithne
U-W: Uaithne-Wella
W: Wella-Yskerdav
Monster Index
Works Cited
Christine OKeeffes Halloween Home Page
cokeeffe at geocities.com
© Copyright 1997. Christine OKeeffe Ver. 3.0. Sunday, October 17, 2010
Created For Educational Use Only.