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Leabhar Mór Leacain: Book of Lecan
Dublin: Royal Irish Academy. Written by Adam ó Cuirnín in 1418 A.D. for Gilla Isu mac Fir Bisigh, a man of learning of the Ui Fiachrach. The complete text had 30 folios. The first 9 folios were lost in 1724. The beginning of the book contains the Leabhar Gabhála Érenn: The Book of the Taking of Ireland, Dindshenchas: Story of Important Places, Bansenchas, and Leabhar na gCeart: Book of Rights. The text is contaminated with a greasy substance that makes the pages semi-transparent and difficult to read. Only 500 pages remain. (15, 18, 22). The remainder of the Book of Lecan called Leabhar Buidhe Lecain: Yellow Book of Lecan is at University of Dublin’s Trinity College Library: College Shelfmark TCD MS 1338. It contains 344 columns of vellum text with the first 289 written by 1392 A.D. by Gilla Isu Mór Mac Fhir Bhisigh, who writes a note in the margin in 1380 A.D. with his assistant Murchadh Riabhach Ó Cuinnlis finishing the remainder around 1401 AD. Edward Lhuyd bound together 17 manuscripts as a single volume & dubbed them Leabhar an Buide Leacain: The Yellow Book of Lecan in March 1700 at Park from a note by Ciothruadh Mac Firbhisigh: [Leab]ar an Buide Leacain anim an leabhair so; mise Cirruaidh mac Taidg Ruaidh/The Yellow Book of Lecan is the name of this book; I am Ciothruagh son of Taidg Ruaidh. 99 folios of Gilla Isa’s survive. Stories The Yellow Book contains: The Life of Saint Patrick as told by Fintan containing the giant Trefuilngid Tre-eochair (31):
- Betha Naomh Féchis Fore: Life of St. Féchis of Fore
- Sanas Cormaic: Cormac’s Glossary
- Etymolgies
- Togail Bruidne Da Derga: Destruction of 2 Red’s Hostel (1 leaf only)
- Duanaire: Poems
- Cáin Domnaig: Law of Sunday
- Regula Mochuta Raithin
- Célí Dé
- Bec mac Dé: Little Son of the Diety
- Bríathra Flainn Fhína maic Ossu: Wise sayings of Flann Fína Or Aldfrith
- Audacht Morainn: Testament of Morann
- Trecheng Breth Féne: Triads of Ireland
- Tech Midchuarta: House of Mead-Circling
- Short account of the 12 Apostles
- History of the Jews from Abraham to David
- Cath Maige Rath: Grain Harvest of the Womb Plain (partly illegible)
- Aided Muirchertaig meic Erca: Death of Muirchertach Son of Erca
- Columcille cecinit: Columcille’s Poem
- Fled Dúin na nGéd: Banquet of the Fort of the Geese
- Rann by Mac Liag, bard of Brian Boru
- Fiansruth
- St. Cuimín Fota, metrical dialogue between him & St Comgan (Mac Da Cherda: Son of 2 Arts)
- Metrical prayer by St. Mael Isa O’Brallaghan
- Scúap Chrábaid: Sweeping Red Branch
- O Deus Pater omnipotens: Latin Litany to Holy Trinity
- Gelasius: List of Archbishops of Armagh from St. Patrick to Giolla Mac Liag
- Genelach Clann Breasil: Geneology of Clan Breasil
- Frithfolaid ríg Caisil fri túatha Muman: The counter-obligations of the king of Cashel towards the peoples of Munster
- Baile Moling: St Moling’s Ecstasy/Prophecy
- Tochmarc Moméra: Wooing of Moméra
- Extract: how Finn mac Cumaill made peace between Glangressach, chief ollam of the Meic Miled, & Sodelb, daughter of Cormac
- Aided Fergusa maic Roig: Death of Fergus mac Rói (extract)
- Arrival of Silvius, grandson of Ascanius, in Britain (extract)
- Account of celebrated trees of Ireland prostrated by a storm in the year 665.
- Táin Bó Flidhais: Cattle Raid of the Stag Queen or the Mayo Táin, a tale set in Erris, County Mayo, Ireland (fragment)
- Comarbada Pátraic: A short account of the mother & 5 sisters of St. Patrick (partly illegible).
- Immram curaig Maíle Dúin: Voyage of Máel Dúin
- Immram Snédgusa ocus Maic Riagla: Voyage of Snedgus & Mac Riagla
- Immram Brain maic Febail: Voyage of Bran Son of Febal
- Echtrae Chonnlai: Adventures of Connla
- Dindsenchas: Story of Important Places [Turim Tigi Temrach: Enumeration of the House of Tara, Aicill, Slíab Mairge]
- De semine animalium; de virihus animalium: Latin: Medical treatise (fragment)
- Leabhar Ollamhan: Book of the Bards including the Auraicept na n-Éces: Poets’ Primer, a treatise on Ogam.
- Immacallam in dá Thúarad: Colloquy of the 2 Sages
- Catechism, beginning with the maxims of St. Fursa
- Táin Bó Cúailnge: Cattle Raid of Cooley
- Táin Bó Dartada: Cattle Raid of Dartaid
- Táin Bó Regomon-Regamna:
- Táin Bó Fráich: Cattle Raid of Heather
- Táin Bó Aingen = Echtrae Nerai: Cattle Raid of Aingen = Adventures of Nera
- Account of the Patriarchs (Old Testament)
- Amra Coluimcille: Songs of Columcille by Dallan Forgaill
- Longes Labrada: Exile of Labraid Loingsech
- Teanga Bithnua: New Tongue Homily
- Eachtrae clerech Choluimcille: Adventures of Holy Dove’s Clerics
- Suidiugud Tellaich Temra: Settling of the Manor of Tara
- Longes mac n-Uislenn: Exile of the Sons of Uisliu
- Orgain Denna Ríge: Destruction of The Fortress of the Kings
- Esnada Tige Buchet: Songs of Buchet’s House
- Fled Bricrenn ocus Loinges mac nDuíl Dermait: Bricriu’s Feast & the Exile of the sons of Dóel Dermait
- Tochmarc Becfhola: Wooing of Becfola
- How Enoch and Elijah were taken up into Heaven
- Stories about King David of Israel
- Aided Con Roí: Death of Cú Roí
- Poem (78 ranns) by Flanacan son of Cellach, king of Bregia
- Clesa Conculaind: Feats of Cú Chulainn
- Assembly of Druim Cet
- Aided Néill Nóigíallaig maic Echdach Muigmedoin: Death of Niall of the Nine Hostages
- Gein Branduib maic Echach ocus Aedáin maic Gabráin: Birth of Black Raven son of Eochu & of Aedán son of Gabrán
- Scéla Cano meic Gartnáin: Story of Cano son of Gartnán
- Cath Cairn Chonail: Grain Harvest Battle of Reed Rock
- Betha Naomh Colman mac Duach: St. Colman mac Duach & King Guaire
- Cummíne Fota mac Fiachnai di Eoganacht Chassil: Story about King Guaire, Mac Dá Cherda & Cuimín Fota.
- Why Mongán was Deprived of Noble Issue [Fiachnae mac Báetáin, king of Ulster]
- Conversion of Constantine & the Finding of the Cross
- On the first satire composed in Ireland by Cairbre for Bres Mac Eladan
- Baí rí amra do Grécaib Salemón a aimn: On King Salemon of Greece
- On the beheading of the John the Baptist & poem on the 4 Herods by the poet Bran
- Tréide Cétna Labratar iarna Genemain: 3 persons in Ireland who spoke directly after birth.
- Description of the Banqueting Hall at Tara
- Poem on the sons of Cormac Mac Art; short notes on St Patrick
- Passion of the Lord
- Stair Nicomeid: Gospel of Nicodemus
- Homily of the Blessed Virgin
- Dialogue of the Soul & Body
- Short story about St. Columcille & Aidan son of Gabrán
- Life of Gregory of Rome
- Tegasc Rig Solmain meic David: Instructions of King Solomon son of David
- Homily on Michael the Archangel
- Poem (15 ranns) & description of the 17 wonders on the night of Christ’s birth; memorandum by a later Mac Firbis.
- Aided Díarmata meic Cerbaill: Death of Diarmait The Healer
- Genelach Ciarraighe: Their migration into Connaught
- Tochmarc Étaíne: Wooing of The Emerald Goddess
- Fotha Catha Cnucha: Cause of the Grain Harvest Battle of Chewing Deer
- Abbot Hugh on a legend about Dagda & the Tuatha Dé Danann
- Tochmarc Lúaine: Wooing of The Moon
- Aided Athairne: Death of Reincarnation
- Compert Conchobair: Birth of Conchobor
- Geneamuin Chormaic Ua Chuind: Birth of Cormac mac Art
- Echtra Cormaic i Tír Tairngire: Cormac’s Journey to the Land of Promise
- Aided Chrimthainn meic Fhidaig i Trí Mac Echach Muigmedóin: Death of Fox Divine Son of Small Worm (Mílesian Ethiopian King) & of Eochaid Slavelord’s 3 sons
- Echtra mac n-Echach Muigmedóin: Adventures of the Sons of Eochaid Slavelord
- Imtechta Moga Ruith: Adventures of Mog Ruith: Wizard of the Wheels
- The 4 Jewels of the Tuatha Dé Danann. On the Tuatha Dé Danann & their magical education, with a poem on the same.
- Baile Findachta, Ríg Connacht: Prophecy, Revelation of Fínnachta, king of Connaught.
- Suidigud Tellaig na Cruachna: Settling of Cruachan Manor, also known as Aided Nath: Death of Nath
- Poem ascribed to Torna Éces, on pre-Christian kings of Ireland buried on Croghan; on burial places in Teltown
- Compert Mongáin: Birth of Mongán
- Aided Fhothaid Airgdig: Death of Fothad Airgdech
- Scél Mongáin: Stories of Mongán
- Tucait Baile Mongáin: The occasion of Mongán’s frenzy
- Echtrae Chonnlai: Adventures of Connla.
- Story about the poet Flann mac Lonáin
- On the 7 orders of Bards
- Aided [Lugdach] Meic Con: Death of [Gleam] Divine Son of Reed
- Cath Almaine: Grain Harvest of Allen
- Cath Duine Bolc: Grain Harvest of Dun Bolg
- Ces Noínden Ulad: Debility of the Ulstermen
- Bruiden Átha: Atha’s Hostel (early story of the Finn Cycle)
- How Fiachna mac Baedáin Obtained the Kingdom of Scotland
- Tucait Fagbála in Fesa do Finn i Marbad Cuil Duib: How Finn obtained knowledge, & the slaying of Cul Dub
- Aided enfir Aífe: The Death of Aífe’s only son (=Connla)
Leabhar Breac: Speckled Book a.k.a Leabhar Mór Dúna Doighre: Great Book of Brown Oak
(pron. yower brek) Dublin: Royal Irish Academy MS 23 P 16: 280 pages long. Christian. Scribe: Murchadh Cuindlis 1408 A.D. Dún Doighre: Brown Oak, Clanricarde, County Galway SE of Loughrea. Eamon Ó Ceallaigh got the book in 1732 passing to Dr. John O’Brien in 1768. Cornelius O’Daly of Mitchelstown, County Cork sold it to General Charles Vallancey & Chevalier O’Gorman of the Royal Irish Academy in 1789. Consists almost entirely of religious writings in Latin & Middle Irish. Sanas Cormaic: Cormac’s Glossary, History of Philip of Macedon & Alexander the Great, Betha Phatraic: Life of Saint Patrick, Lives of Saint Columba, Saint Brigid, Saint Cellach, Saint Martin, Félire engusso: Martyrology of Angus, Rule of the Céli Dé, Aislinge Meic Con Glinne: Vision of Mac Conglinne, Saltair na Rann, Stair Nicomeid: Gospel of Nicodemus, Amra Choluim Chille, Marian litany, & ecclesiastical legends, hymns, catecheses & homilies. (13, 18)
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