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OpinioNet Kosovo War CommentaryOpinioNet Kosovo War Commentary - Dragan Cvejic
Topic: "Balkan War of shame" -- The Truth and 20 Facts
[For author's full and original text (with some typos corrected), click here]
- Fact 1
- "Yugoslavia" literally means "Land of South Slavs." There are three
Slav "tribes" who live on The Balkan Peninsula in the South of Europe:
Serbs, Croatians and Slovenians. Montenegrins now think of themselves as
a distinct Slav tribe, even though through all of their history they
have considered themselves to be Serbians.
In any event, it was logical and a good idea to form the (Land Of
South Slavs), "Yugoslavia" - The Land of Serbs, Croats and Slovenians.
Enter Tito:
- Fact 2
- Being an ardent Catholic from Croatia (which at the time was under
Austro-Hungarian occupation), Tito was also an ardent hater of Serbs
(Serbs are Christian Orthodox). In The First World War, Tito and his
buddy Kurt Waldheim (both Hussar corporals), fought against Serbs and
the Allies. They lost the War.
- Fact 3
- At the time, many different ideologies and parties were popular in
defeated and confused Germany. Among the most notable were Fascism and
Communism. Joseph Broz (later to be known as "Tito"), chose communism.
Kurt became a devoted fascist and joined Hitler's Nazis.
- Fact 4
- World War II broke out. Broz (Tito), being a born adventurer, saw an
opportunity. The Serbian King had recently been assassinated in
Marseilles, France. The new King was still a teenager. Occupied Serbia
was in turmoil. Broz slipped into Yugoslavia and formed his Partisans.
Kurt Waldheim, on the other hand, became Hitler's Field Marshal in the
Balkans. The mighty German Army that conquered half the World, could
not defeat a handful of Tito's partisans? Strange. Did his buddy
Kurt, save Tito's life? Seven times? (Seven offensives waged against
partisans failed)
- Fact 5
- World War II concluded. Germans lost again.
- Fact 6
- Kurt Waldheim was in a big mess: he had committed war crimes in the
Balkans against Serbs, Gypsies, Greeks and, of course, Jews. If Kurt
saved Tito seven times, shouldn't Tito now reciprocate?
Kurt never answered for the War Crimes he committed in the Balkans,
of which a large body of evidence is amassed in Belgrade and Greece.
Instead of paying for his crimes, Waldheim become Secretary General of
the UN!
- Fact 7
- Tito's dealing with Serbs, in the meantime, was ironfisted. He
divided Serbia into four parts: South Serbia, (known for ages as "Stara
Srbija" by Serbs or "Vardar Pashiluc" by Turks). He renamed Macedonia:
to destabilize good neighbor relations between Greeks and Serbs?
Perhaps. Then he formed Bosnia, which had never before existed as a
country in the history of Europe, but was always inhabited by Serbs
and/or Croats together with other (mostly Moslem) minorities. As if that
were not bad enough for Serbs, he then carved out of Serbia two
additional parts ("autonomies"): one in the south, for a few thousand
Albanians at the time, the other to the north for a few villages of
ethnic Hungarians. After "Informbiro" (breaking with Stalin) he opened
borders for "refugees" from Albania into newly made southern Autonomy -
- Fact 8
- Tito is also credited with being the first to insist that
Montenegrins are not Serbs. So he divided Serbs from Serbs by forming a
new republic, Monte Negro.
- Fact 9
- He then enlarged his Croatia by taking Zone "B" from Italy. He
conveniently ignored the fact that more then 500,000 Serbs had, for a
millenium, lived in Dalmatia (which they called Kraina) and so he never
made Kraina equally an autonomy. Under Tito's iron hand, Serbs were
oppressed in every possible way. But Westerners loved Tito, so Tito then
elected himself President of Yugoslavia for life. Eventually, Tito died.
- Fact 10
- Finally, Serbs thought, they can demand Kurt Waldheim answer for the
atrocities and war crimes committed against the Balkan people during the
Second World War. Serbs were told sternly: If you press this matter any
further, there won't be any Yugoslavia. Being stubborn as they are,
Serbs persisted.
- Fact 11
- Austria and their first cousins in Germany (Grand Dads of all
horrors in Europe) clandestinely equipped Croats and Slovenians with
arms, communication equipment, uniforms, propaganda material, etc.
- Fact 12
- Civil war broke out in Yugoslavia.
- Fact 13
- Germany was the first nation to recognize independent Croatia.
- Fact 14
- During The Second World War, Croatian Cardinal Stepinac (a notorious
Nazi supporter) was heavily and personally implicated in murder and
ethnic cleansing of Serbs all over Croatia, which during the war was on
the German side. (Incidentally, it is believed that Croatia declared war
on the USA at the time, and it's unknown if a peace was ever signed).
Cardinal Stepinac was also credited with being the author of a notorious
Fascist, Croatian joke [which appears in original
- Fact 15
- Due to enormous evidence against the criminal Stepinac, even Tito
could not save his spiritual leader. Stepinac died in a Yugoslavian
- Fact 16
- Croatia became an independent country. Austrians elected Kurt
Waldheim as their President. Pope Paul come to Croatia to "beautify"
Cardinal Stepinac as a SAINT! Insult to injury, or punishment for
Serbs!? Or both?
- Fact 17
Not only were Serbs prevented from rightfully prosecuting the war
criminal (Waldheim) for the atrocities he committed (crimes against
humanity), but their own sons become prosecuted in Hague's Kangaroo
courts, for the only "crimes" they committed: Defending their fatherland
and/or following orders.
- Fact 18
- The man who massacred thousands of innocent children, women and old
men, became a Saint.
- Fact 19
- The Nazi War Criminal (Waldheim) became President of his country
and, later, Secretary General of the UN.
Congratulations Vatican! Well done NATO!
How much more can you hurt a man? ... a nation? a race?
Today they're bombing Serbia -- killing old men, women and children.
Destroying their property for a handful of rebels and drug dealers.
United Europe? Western Civilization? Christianity?
I was reading today in the Montreal Gazette a paradoxical article,
about "the great concern" for some animal species becoming extinct.
I couldn't stop laughing ... my tears off.
- Fact 20
- I am a Loyal Canadian, and therefore, a North American. But I am
also a Christian. And as such, my God given duty is to spread THE TRUTH,
and to the limits of my possibility, help stop the insane destruction
and massacre of innocent fellow Christians.
Can You help? Will You help?
-- Dragan Cvejic
to Kosovo War Issues
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