Sín, Sinatis, Sheen (Cry, Tear, Rustling, Storm, Rain) Diaspad (Cry) Sian, Soinionn, Soinean, Su-sîn-enn (Fair Weather) Gwaethav Oll, Gwaernardel (Wind of All, The Most Beautiful) Gaeth Garbh (Rough Wind) Iachtadh, Iach, Ìoc, Íccaim (Healer) Osnadh, Osnad, Uchenaid, Uch, Huanad (Sigh, Groan, Sob) Esnadh, Esnad, Easnadh (Song, Moaning) Gemadhaigh, Égem (Cry) Ochsadh, Ochfad (Sigh, Stormwind, Lament Sweet) Caintigerna, Caintigern, Kentigern (Clear Water)I am fearful of the woman Round whom many storms shall move; For the man who shall be burned On the side of Cleitech [Raven House], wine shall drown. Sín is the woman that killed thee, O, Mac Earca [Divine Son of Salmon], as I perceive; Numerous will her names be here— She will set one astray. Not beloved is the woman Whose name is Sín; As for the King, fire shall burn him, In the house of Cleitech wine shall drown him. The King, Mac Erca, returns To the side of the Ui Néill [Noble Cloud People]; Blood reaches girdles in the plain; Territories increase afar. Seven times he fights nine battles, And long shall it be remembered; He carried off the hostages of the Ui Neill, With the hostages of the plain of Mumhan. Sín said, recounting her names:— Osnadh, Esnadh, Sín without blemish, Gaeth garbh, and Gemadhaigh, Ochsadh, Iachtadh —saying without falsehood— These are my names in every way. – Cronicum Scotorum Fithir ní Eochaid Fedlech (Raven, Knowledge) (pron. FEE-her) The King of Leinster fell in love with her, but her older sister was unmarried so she could not wed. The king kidnapped her sister Darine: Divine Oak and imprisoned her in a tower in the woods with her nine handmaidens. He wed Fithir and when she discovered her sister years later died of shock. Darine died of grief. They are the daughters of Bodb Dearg: Dangerous Red. fidir: know, consider, Old Irish fetar, scio, fitir. fios: knowledge, Old Irish fiss, *vid-tu-, root vid, veid, know; Latin video. Sisters: Mugain: Cluster of Nuts, Sadb: Sweet, Sladh: Gift (7, 80, 99) | Sín is a beautiful Oak Goddess with blonde hair, pool-blue eyes, swan-white skin, and a green mantle with fringes of golden thread. Her sisters are Druantia: Oak and Garbh Ogh: Queen Bee. In The Unique Tale, her mother sees a swan by the lake and wishes for a baby girl with swan-white skin, pool-blue eyes, and golden yellow hair like broom, saying she is willing to have her seven sons turn into geese. The Far Liath: Gray Man does so and the baby girl is named Sheen, a word that means Storm, because her coming was a storm that swept away her seven brothers. Her mother dies and her father is named the Lonely King. She goes with Mor, the Woodman’s daughter, and Siav, the basket-maker’s foster-child, to gather berries in the wood, but is separated in a marsh and reunited with her brothers. Their enchantment can be broken by her weaving seven shirts for them out of cannavan: bog nettles in silence. She gathers the bog-down between noon and sunset; spinning the thread at night; weaving on a loom at the Spae Woman Granìa Oí’s House. It takes her a year for each shirt. She is waylaid on the seventh shirt by the Hunter-King of the Wood, King Connal, with gentian-blue flower eyes while gathering bog-down in his country with many cattle containing Breogan’s two wild black stallions. She follows his soul over the Quaking Bog, through the Burning forest, and across the Icy Sea and his body to his castle on a black horse. When her son is abducted by a gray wolf and she is banished from the kingdom, she utters a cry. The shirts become bog-down and fly away in the breeze. The Hunter-King takes her back to his own Kingdom, and the name she bears is not Sheen, but Caintigern. Two more sons are born to her. The Spae-Woman has had a dream that the lost son Flann can free the seven brothers when Flam receives seven drops of a maiden’s heart’s blood which turns out to be the goddess Mhorag. In the Death of Muircertach mac Erca: Sea One Divine Son of Salmon Muircertach, the ard-ri: High King of Ireland, has killed her parents and sister Garbh Ogh: Queen Bee. She meets him hunting at Brugh na Boinne: Milk River. He is overcome with desire and she promises to sleep with him as long as he never utters her name, his wife doesnt come in contact with her, and clerics never enter her house. Muircertach promises all these things. They arrive at his palace, drink, and turn out the wife and children. Muircetachs wife Duaibsech: Gloomy goes to Bishop Cairnech: Funeral Tomb. Funeral Tomb, angered he will not be let in, curses the palace, digs a grave for the king and blesses the clans Conall: Badger & Eogan: Horse. Sín turnes water into poisoned wine and ferns into pork. The king and nobles eat the enchanted food and fall ill. Sín creates an army from stone to assail the palace the next day which he fights until the Bishop tells him they are only stones. She plies him with wine for seven days. Mac Earca: Son of Salmon is immersed in a vat of wine, burnt & mortally wounded on the night of Samhain: Halloween on the summit of Cleitech, over the Boyne: Milk River. The host burns the palace to the ground. Sekau: Austria. Sind: Flood is the name of the Indus River that flows through Pakistan to India. The Greeks removed the S. Her river in Ireland is the Sinann or Shannon. (45, 185, 189, 245) Garbh Ogh, Gheareagain, Gigha, Gurvan Och (Queen Bee, Vulva) Carravogue, Garwen (Fair Leg) Garmuin (Soft Cry) Gwaeth, Gaoth (Wind) Féthchú (To Blow) Féthchú, Fethnát, Fethnaid (Wind, To Blow) Amerach (Lucky, Fortunate) Ámhra (Very Wonderful, Charm) Síla na Geige, Sheila, Sheela na Géige, Shelagh, Celia, Cecilia (Wild, Blind Gray Eyes of the Vulva) Síle na bPortach (Wise Woman of Heron) (pron Geea, GOO, AV-rah, FEY-vok, FEY-koo, FEY-nat, SHEE-la, SHEE-luh nah BURT-uckh) Irish goddess of fertility. She is the crone aspect of the triple Oak goddess Garym: Afterbirth. She is shown displaying her genitals in an attempt to allay the power of death. She is a Hag of Birth and Death, veiled in grey mist, silent as stone, who has a grove of silver birch trees: beithe (pron. BAY-huh). Gateway and gatekeeper. She can take the form of a heron. Her priests practiced self-castration. In County Meath, Ireland, she was turned into a huge snake for eating forbidden berries. St. Patrick killed her with holly water which melted her, but from which she will rise again. Her consort is the god Cleddyf Kyfwlch, Cernunnos, Ercol: Salmon. In Arthurian legend, she is one of the three mistresses of Arthur with Indeg ab Garwy: Raving Mad and Gwyll: Rotation. Sheela images are called the idol, the evil eye stone, devil stone, the witch on the wall and the hag of the castle. Irish jig, which in turn comes from the French gigue, which in pre-Christian times was an orgiastic dance. Laurence Durdin-Robertson suggests that Sheela-na-gigs are a derivative of the frog goddess, symbol of the vulva as opening to the underworld. There is a Sheela na Géige at St. Gobnets church. She was turned into Saint Cecilia. Place-names: Lisín Síolaidh, Ireland (pron. Lisheensheela) The Small Enclosure of Celia. Garbh Allt, Garbh Bheinn: Rough Mountain, Eilean Garbh: Rough Island, Scotland. Fethnaid: Wind is the daughter and accomplished harp player of Fidach: Small Worm, a bard of the Túatha Dé Danann: People of the Water from Heaven. She carries a shell. Her death was considered to be one of the three great losses of the Túatha. In ancient greek Avra means To Blow Irish druid who enchanted the goddess Fiongalla and made her vow never to sleep with a man until one brought magical yew berries, holly boughs, and marigolds from the earthly seat of power. Feargal performed it and won Fiongalla. She is a woman who lives at the Court of Glas, who is ageless. Glas is the father of Fiongalla: Fire of Wine. (58, 68, 77, 80, 102, 116, 120, 190, 231, 243) |